You are not your job

It’s true, you’re not your job.

Your job can be, and likely is, a big part of your identity. That’s certainly true for me. 

There can be comfort in labels – I’m a banker, I’m a lawyer, I’m in finance etc…They give us a sense of belonging, status, achievement. Where your role is contributing to a positive sense of self, I’m all for it.

In moderation.

When we’re wrapped up in our jobs it can feel like they’re all consuming. They’re what you think about 90% of the time (or more?). They interrupt your sleep. They are shrouded with stress.

I accept that some roles do take a lot from you. Perhaps you’re a doctor and you hold human lives in your hands. If you’re not, think about the role of an A&E doctor to give you perspective. 

If you miss a corporate deadline for a client, they’ll be angry and you’ll deal with the consequences. If a doctor makes a mistake, people can die. I’d venture your job is important, but not THAT important.

You have a choice how much energy you devote to the ‘work’ part of your identity. And how much you make your work who you are.

When you meet someone for the first time, have you noticed that ‘what do you do?’ is typically asked within the first 3 questions. Seems reasonable given we spend a lot of our time working, but it’s not our only label. We can give people other points of reference to help them find out who we are.

Here are some of mine: wife, daughter, friend, wine drinker, crime drama watcher, avid reader, learner, writer, speaker, luxury lover, shopper, food explorer.

This week, I encourage you to write a list of your titles. Get them all down on a piece of paper. There’s no quicker way to see you are more than your job.

Use that perspective to create better mental balance. Keep space in your mind to spend time in your other roles. Hold back some energy for you and let me know how you get on.

Wishing you all the best


Kat Hutchings
Career Coach, Kat the Coach Ltd

P.S. The investment to work with me is increasing in January. If you’ve been on the fence about reaching out, there isn’t a better time. 

If you’re one of those people like me who takes time to reflect in December and plan changes in 2018, then let’s start now. Reply and apply for a complimentary call to experience how coaching can help you. 


Surrounding yourself with inspiring people


Doing what you SHOULD, or what you WANT?